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Clinical Research in Health Care Organisations


Universität Bern UNIBE

Lieu de formation

Berne (BE)

Langue d'enseignement


Type de formation

Hautes écoles universitaires HEU - Formation continue: formations longues

Modalités temporelles

En emploi

Thèmes de formation

Santé, soins, médecine

Filières d'études

Médecine humaine



Mise à jour 01.01.2024


Description de la formation

Clinical research is a branch of healthcare science that determines the safety and effect of medications, medical devices, diagnostic tests or procedures and treatment regimens used in humans and patients. In this course partipicants learn to plan and conduct clinical research projects and communicate their results.

Clinical research also covers how to make prognostic assessments, to develop and validate prognostic models and to assess how reliable diagnostic procedures or tests are, for example in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Furthermore, conducting systematic reviews of multiple studies and the meta-analyses of their results will also be covered.


At the end of the CAS in Clinical Research, participants:

  • have a thorough understanding of the design, implementation, and analysis of various types of studies in clinical research: registry based observational studies, diagnostic and prognostic studies, randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses
  • are aware of and can apply statistical methods to describe data from clinical studies and use regression models (linear, logistic, Cox, Poisson) commonly used in clinical research using statistical software (Stata)
  • can interpret the results of clinical studies, and discuss their relevance for treatment in the clinic and for public health overall
  • can locate relevant individual studies and review articles in standard literature databases
  • can assess study designs and study protocols and published studies with regard to the quality of data acquisition, measurement methods, and analysis

Plan de la formation

The course consists of
a) 8 Basic Modules:

  • Introduction to study designs and epidemiological measures
  • Principles of biostatistics
  • Introduction to the statistical software Stata and data capture software REDCap
  • Regression models in clinical research and epidemiology
  • Evaluation of diagnostic and screening tests
  • Prognostic studies and modelling
  • Randomized controlled clinical trials
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses

b) 2 elective modules

  • Advanced statistical and epidemiological methods
  • Health technology assessment
  • Writing research proposals and scientific manuscripts

c) a written and an oral exam.

Acquisition: 15 ECTS points


Conditions d’admission

The participant should possess a Master of Science degree.
Exceptions can be approved by the study management «sur dossier».


Der Zertifikatskurs richtet sich an

  • Gesundheitsfachleute, die an patientenorientierter klinischer Forschung und Versorgungsforschung interessiert sind,
  • Weiterbildungsstudierende in anderen Programmen (MAS, MPH) sowie an
  • PhD-Studierende unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen, die sich im Bereich Epidemiologie und Biostatistik weiterbilden möchten.



CHF 9'600.-



  • Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS

Certificate of Advanced Studies Clinical Research in Health Care Organisations, University of Bern

Infos pratiques

Lieu / adresse

  • Berne (BE)

University of Bern
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)
Mittelstrasse 43
3012 Bern

Déroulement temporel

Début des cours


Durée de la formation

2 years (max. 3 years), 10 course moduls of 3 days each

Modalités temporelles

  • En emploi

Langue d’enseignement

  • anglais


Note for PhDStudents: Please be aware that you can either use the CAS course’s ECTS points for your PhD or acquire the CAS diploma. The course credits cannot be used to acquire both certificates (PhD and CAS) at the same time.


Renseignements / contact

Melissa Nef, Program Coordination,, +41 31 631 58 94

Universität Bern UNIBE

Zulassung, Immatrikulation und Beratung
Tel.: +41 31 684 39 11