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Sustainable Finance


Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale HES-SO

Lieu de formation

A distance

Langue d'enseignement


Type de formation

Hautes écoles spécialisées HES - Formation continue: formations longues

Modalités temporelles

À temps partiel

Thèmes de formation

Banque, finances, assurances

Filières d'études

Gestion d'entreprise / économie d'entreprise



Mise à jour 20.07.2020


Description de la formation

Le Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) est une formation postgrade donnée par les hautes écoles et elle équivaut à au moins 10 crédits ECTS.

The CAS Sustainable Finance will be open for 26 weeks: students will have 25 weeks maximum to follow the 9 steps of the online education part of the programme, from January to July. The programme includes 4 days in Geneva, 1 day in January (kick-off meeting) and from 3 days in June.

  • Step 1: Sustainability and you - From capitalism to sustainable development
  • Step 2: Be a bank CEO - Sustainability, business & finance
  • Step 3: Define your investment charter - The role of asset owners
  • Step 4: Set practical investment guidelines - ESG criteria
  • Step 5: Implement ESG assessments - Responsible investment
  • Step 6: Submit an investment idea - SDG, thematic and impact investing
  • Step 7: Select the right funds - Responsible investment process
  • Step 8: Be an active shareholder - Corporate governance & engagement
  • Step 10: Formulate your investment process - Walking the path of sustainable finance
In Geneva
  • Kick-off meeting (1 day in January)
  • Step 9: Meet Geneva experts’ sustainability ecosystem - Recent developments in sustainable finance (3 days in June)


At the end of the program, the participant is able to:

  • Justify why sustainability is relevant to the financial sector;
  • Combine the constraints of risk, return, and impact;
  • Establish the sustainability profile of an institutional investor;
  • Undertake an ESG analysis and select sustainable investment products;
  • Understand active ownership and engage with companies on sustainability issues;
  • Report on a full responsible investment process.


Conditions d’admission

To be enrolled, it is recommended to have a relevant professional experience in the financial domain or a bachelor degree in a related field, as well as a given level of fluency in English.

Admission sur dossier.


CHF 6’000.- for the complete programme (distance learning & Geneva on-site classes)
CHF 4’000.-. for the distance learning only (steps 1-9)


  • Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS

CAS in Sustainable Finance (12 ECTS)

Infos pratiques

Lieu / adresse

  • A distance

+ 4 days in Geneva

Déroulement temporel

Début des cours


Durée de la formation

26 weeks

Modalités temporelles

  • À temps partiel

Langue d’enseignement

  • anglais


Renseignements / contact

Secrétariat de la formation continue
Tél. +41 22 388 18 83

Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale HES-SO > HES-SO Genève > Haute école de gestion de Genève (HEG-GE)

Bureau des admissions
T : +41 22 558 58 10