Religion, Peace & Conflict
Universität Basel UNIBAS
- Lieu de formation
Bâle (BS)
- Langue d'enseignement
- Type de formation
Hautes écoles universitaires HEU - Formation continue: formations longues
- Modalités temporelles
À temps partiel
- Thèmes de formation
Sciences humaines, histoire, philosophie - Théologie, religion, spiritualité
- Filières d'études
- Swissdoc
9.731.29.0 - 6.830.7.0
Mise à jour 29.01.2025
Description de la formation
The media often reports about religiously motivated acts of violence. At the same time, throughout history, religions repeatedly contributed to peacebuilding. In the CAS Religion, Peace & Conflict you will reflect upon these ambivalences with experts from academia and practice and look into concrete case studies and peacebuilding approaches relating to religion.
Your benefits:
- Learn about concrete methods of conflict analysis and discuss which roles religiously motivated actors play in conflict contexts
- Get an overview of key terms and concepts regarding religion and explore ways in which religions can drive conflict and promote peace
- Study conflicts with a religious dimension through case studies and learn about different peacebuilding approaches to transform these conflicts
- Unpack contested notions such as „radicalization“ and „extremism”
- Exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice
Our on-site and virtual courses are taught by highly experienced experts from different contexts and provide a platform for learning, reflection, and exchange among accomplished professionals and people who aspire to develop a career in peacebuilding.
Plan de la formation
The CAS Religion, Peace & Conflict is offered annually and runs from fall to fall. It is composed of an Introductory Module to Peacebuilding and Conflict Analysis, a Thematic Module to explore the topic of Religion, Peace & Conflict (four courses) and a Concluding Module (Learning Portfolio and Concluding Day).
Our course offer spans a broad range of topics relevant for peacebuilding, including Dealing with the Past, Mediation, Gender, Religion, Peace & Conflict, Statehood & Institutional Reform, Business & Peace, and Conflict Sensitivity.
Successful participants are awarded a Certificate of Advanced Studies. This program can be taken as one module (10 ECTS) of the Diploma and Master of Advanced Studies Peace & Conflict offered by swisspeace and the University of Basel.
Conditions d’admission
This program is designed for practitioners and academics who are interested in religion as a factor in peace and conflicts and would like to draw on recent research findings and practical experiences.
A minimum of two years of professional experience in relevant fields and a university degree (minimum BA) or an equivalent educational background are required.
Application deadline 30 August yearly
CHF 6'400.-
Travel, food and accommodation costs are not included in the fee.
Unfortunately, swisspeace does not provide any scholarships for this program. Participants (or their employer) must be able to cover the tuition fee.
- Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Religion, Peace & Conflict, University of Basel
Infos pratiques
Lieu / adresse
- Bâle (BS)
Déroulement temporel
Début des cours
The CAS Program is offered annually and runs from fall to fall.
Modalités temporelles
- À temps partiel
Langue d’enseignement
- anglais
A good command of English is required.
Renseignements / contact
Continuing Education Team
Kasernenhof 8
CH-4058 Basel
Tel. +41 61 551 56 34
Der Studiengang ist Teil der berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildung der Universität Basel.
Institution 1
Universität Basel UNIBAS
Petersplatz 1
4001 Basel
Tél.: + 41 61 207 30 23
Autres informations
Weiterbildung Universität Basel
Universität Basel
Services Weiterbildung
Petersgraben 35
4001 Basel
Tél.: +41 61 207 30 08
Institution 2
Kasernenhof 8
4058 Basel
Tél.: +41 61 551 56 34