Philosophy, Theology and Religions
Master HEU
Universität Luzern UNILU
- Lieu de formation
A distance
- Langue d'enseignement
- Type de formation
Hautes écoles universitaires HEU
- Modalités temporelles
À la carte
- Thèmes de formation
Sciences humaines, histoire, philosophie - Théologie, religion, spiritualité
- Filières d'études
Philosophie - Sciences des religions - Théologie catholique romaine
- Swissdoc
6.830.7.0 - 6.830.5.0 - 6.732.4.3
Mise à jour 15.02.2023
Description de la formation
Philosophy study programmes are often designed in an agnostic way – as if God did not exist - and do not consider the documented growing interest in religion, both globally and among philosophy students. The Online Master’s in Philosophy, Theology and Religions takes heed of the mutual relationship between religions and philosophy both from a historical and theoretical point of view.
Plan de la formation
The credits associated with the program are as follows:
120 credit points obtained over the course of 2 years or 4 semesters. Each semester consists of 2 modules of 15 credit points each, for a total of 30 credit points per semester. The final semester is devoted to the Master’s thesis, and is also 30 credit points.
An international conference is organised each year. Starting 2022 with a summer school in Palermo called Philosophical Lexicon on the Crossroads of Philosophy and Abrahamic religions.
Term 1: History of Philosophy and Religions: Basic Concepts
- Module 1: Basic Concepts I
- Module 2: Basic Concepts II
Summer School: Philosophical Issues across Religions
Term 2: History of Medieval/Modern Philosophy and Religions
- Module 3: God in the History of Philosophy (“Middle Ages”)
- Module 4: God in the History of Philosophy (“Modernity”)
Term 3: Contemporary Philosophy and Religions: Topics and Problems
- Module 5: Topics and Problems I und II
Term 4: Master Thesis
Lien sur le plan de la formation
- > Studium > Studienangebot > Master Philosphy Theology Religions for further information about the Master's Programm in Philosophy, Theology and Religions
Combinaison des branches
The course is an integrated study program and is therefore not divided into major and minor subjects.
Description en branche secondaire ou hors faculté
Philosophy, Theology and Religions cannot be studied as a minor subject.
Conditions d’admission
Anyone with a bachelor’s degree recognized by the University of Lucerne in philosophy, theology, or religious studies can be admitted to the program. Applicants with an equivalent undergraduate degree can also be admitted after a formal check by the University. Relevant other subjects include: Cultural Studies, International Studies, International Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and Religions, Languages (Hebrew, Arabic), and History.
Lien sur l'admission
- > Studium > Anmeldung und Zulassung Informationen zu Zulassungsrichtlinien und zur online Anmeldung
Fall semester:
Applications have to be handed in until April 30. Late applications are accepted until June 30 (for applicants who require a visa), August 31 (for applicants who do not require a visa).
Spring semester:
Applications must be submitted online no later than 30 November.
For online registration, a one-time registration fee of CHF 100 will be added. In the event of late registration, an additional processing fee of CHF 150, i.e. a total of CHF 250, will be charged.
Universität Luzern UNILU > Theologische Fakultät
Die Gebühr für eine Anmeldung zum Studium beträgt CHF 100. Bei einer Anmeldung nach den offiziellen Anmeldeterminen wird eine zusätzliche Bearbeitungsgebühr von CHF 150 erhoben.
Fr. 815.– *, für Bildungsausländer/innen Fr. 1'115.-*
Hörerinnen und Hörer: Fr. 150.- pro Semesterwochenstunde (max. Fr. 800.– pro Semester)
* inkl. Prüfungsgebühren und Mitgliederbeitrag für die Studierendenorganisation SOL
- Master haute école universitaire HEU
Master of Arts in Philosophy, Theology and Religions
Im Anschluss an das Masterstudium kann – wenn im Masterdiplom mindestens die Gesamtnote 5,0 erzielt worden ist – ein Forschungsstudium von 4 oder mehr Semestern absolviert werden. Es dient dazu, die bisher erworbenen Fachkenntnisse zu vertiefen, in die selbständige wissenschaftliche Forschungsarbeit hineinzuwachsen und in Form der Dissertation einen eigenen Forschungsbeitrag zu erstellen. Das Forschungsstudium wird mit dem Einreichen der Dissertation und einer mündlichen Doktoratsprüfung abgeschlossen.
Infos pratiques
Lieu / adresse
A distance
Déroulement temporel
Début des cours
Beginning of the course in fall or spring semester.
Durée de la formation
4 semesters full time
part-time studies are possible
Modalités temporelles
- À la carte
Langue d’enseignement
- anglais
Universität Luzern UNILU > Theologische Fakultät
Reglemente der Fakultät
Renseignements / contact
For further information about the Master's in Philosophy, Theology and Religions contact the Academic Advisor and/or Student Advisor:
Institution 1
Universität Luzern UNILU
Frohburgstrasse 3
6002 Luzern
Tél.: 041 229 50 60
Autres informations
Theologische Fakultät
Universität Luzern
Frohburgstrasse 3
6002 Luzern
Tél.: 041 / 229 52 00